Results: 2

    Antithrombotic and Thrombolytic Therapy

    Chest; 133 (6), 2008
    Since publication of the seventh American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP) supplement on antithrombotic and thrombolytic therapy, the results of clinical trials have provided important new information on the management of thromboembolic disorders, and the science of developing recommendations has advan...

    Summary of the international clinical guidelines for the management of hospital-acquired and ventilator-acquired pneumonia

    ERJ open res; 4 (2), 2008
    Nosocomial pneumonia is a frequent infection that is classified into two groups [1]: HAP, which develops in hospitalised patients after 48 h of admission, and does not require (but may include) artificial ventilation at the time of diagnosis [2, 3]; and VAP, which occurs in intensive care unit (ICU) pati...